Identify at least one functional architectural scenario and a quality-based scenario for your selected organization.

Identify at least one functional architectural scenario and a quality-based scenario for your selected organization..

Complete the following:
1. Determine several architectural scenarios for your project. Identify at least one functional architectural scenario and a quality-based scenario for your selected organization.
2. Create the following elements for each scenario:
• Overview.
• System state.
• System environment
• External stimulus.
• Required system response.
3. Create use case diagrams for the scenarios created.
4. Create sequence diagrams for the scenarios created.
When complete, submit your documents in the assignment area.
Unit 4
Complete the following:
1. For the Fantasy Games scenario (or your chosen scenario), write a one page description of the architectural style you chose for this project. In the paper, please consider the following questions:
• What are the examples of use?
• What are the advantages?
• What are the disadvantages?
• What are the common variants?
• Why did you choose your architectural style?
2. Create a deployment diagram for the architectural style you selected using Visio or a similar drawing tool.
Unit 5
The purpose of this assignment is to create a logical data model for your project.
Complete the following using a graphic tool such as Visio:
1. Create an entity-relationship diagram for the organizations database. You must include tables, columns, data types, and relationships in your diagram.
2. Create an UML class diagram for the database for your selected organization. You must include data types and relationships in your diagram.
Submit your diagrams in the assignment area.
Unit 6
Complete the following:
1. Determine several architectural scenarios for your project. Identify at least one functional architectural scenario and a quality-based scenario for your selected organization.
2. Create the following elements for each scenario:
• Overview.
• System state.
• System environment
• External stimulus.
• Required system response.
3. Create use case diagrams for the scenarios created.
4. Create sequence diagrams for the scenarios created.
Unit 7
Complete the following:
1. Use one of the architectural models you described in Unit 6 and apply the perspectives to it.
2. Revise your models or create new ones if necessary.
3. Explain the perspective improvements you made to your architectural models
Unit 8
• Create a draft of the architectural description.
Unit 9
In this assignment, you will complete your architecture description project.
Complete the following:
1. Use your previous project assignments as the basis for your architectural description.
2. Incorporate feedback about your previous assignments from your instructor, as appropriate.
3. The architecture description should contain the following sections:
• An executive overview that summarizes the objectives, goals, scope, key requirements, high-level overview of solution, and benefits of solution.
• The sections as described on pp.183–188 of your textbook:
? Document Control.
? Table of Contents.
? Introduction and Management Summary.
? Scope Definition.
? Overview of Requirements and Concerns.
? General Architectural Principles.
? Views.
? Quality Property Summary.
? Important Scenarios.
? Appendices.
Review the Software System Architecture course project description to familiarize yourself with the project.
Review the Project Vision Scoring Guide to understand how your first project assignment will be evaluated.
Use the multimedia pieces in this study to gather facts about the company and the project:
Click Launch Presentation to listen to the Project Stakeholders talk about the project.
Click Launch Presentation to listen to Conversation About Goals.
Click Launch Presentation to listen to Conversation about Constraints and Scope.
Click Launch Presentation to watch the video of Robert Walling, the CEO of Fantasy Games
Click Launch Presentation to watch the video of Jack Burns, the CIO of Fantasy Games, who will explain their high-level business needs.
Click Launch Presentation to read the E-mail from Jody Jones.
Click Launch Presentation to read the Project Details E-mail from Joe Mason.
Review the Fantasy Games – About Us Web Page.

Identify at least one functional architectural scenario and a quality-based scenario for your selected organization.

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