Identify how attitudes and beliefs within that culture andor or religion can impact health promotion

Identify how attitudes and beliefs within that culture andor or religion can impact health promotion.

Identify how attitudes and beliefs within that culture and/or religion can impact health promotion

Students will develop and implement a patient teaching plan on a concept/topic as assigned in class. Students will write and present their teaching plan to faculty and peers. Criteria for both the written paper and verbal presentation are included in the Patient Education Project Grading Guidelines.
This project may be worth 5% of final grade. Refer to syllabus for specific criteria for calculation.
Prepare a three (3) page double spaced typed paper (excluding title page and reference page):
Topics will be assigned. Clinical groups will work together on a group project.
This is a group project and each person must speak during the presentation and participate in the written assignment to receive full credit.
Prepare a three (3) page paper in APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Ed.) format addressing the following information/elements:
Title Page
Introduction and background on topic.
Demonstrates understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture and/or religion in relation to its history, values, communication styles, nutritional preferences, health beliefs and health practices.
Identify how attitudes and beliefs within that culture and/or religion can impact health promotion and maintenance.
Identify two nursing interventions to incorporate in a plan of care within this culture and/or religion.
Provide a rationale for each chosen intervention.
Conclusion and summary
References Page (2-3 References)

Submit assignment as a word document in the Patient Education Assignment Drop Box by date as posted on calendar.
Tri- Fold Board on the Topic Assigned
Prepare a brief 8-10 minute oral presentation discussing items listed (a-g) to be presented to individual clinical group(s) and instructor.

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Patient Education Paper and Project Grading Rubric
Objective/Criteria Performance Indicators
Need Improvement Meet Expectations Exceptional
Content 60%
All key elements of the assignment are covered.
Introduction and background on topic
Demonstrates understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture and/or religion in relation to its history, values, communication styles, nutritional preferences, health beliefs and health practices.
Identify how attitudes and beliefs within that culture and/or religion can impact health promotion and maintenance.
Identify two nursing interventions to incorporate in a plan of care within this culture and/or religion.
Provide a rationale for each chosen intervention
Conclusion and summary
Content is comprehensive/accurate/persuasive
Major points supported by specific details/examples
Presentation is appropriate and 8-10 minutes in length (40 points)
More than one key element is missing with no support of major points. Presentation is less than 8 minutes and/or missing more than one key concept. (50 points)
Missing one key point. Support of details is sparse. Presentation lasts 8-10 minutes but is missing none of the key concepts. (60 points)
All key elements were covered and content is comprehensive with all points supported by specific details. Presentation is 8-10 minutes and covers all key aspects.
Readability 10%
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise
Sentences are well-constructed with consistently strong, varied structure
Transitions between sentences/paragraphs/sections help maintain the flow of thought
Words used are precise and unambiguous
The tone is appropriate to the audience, content, and assignment. (5 points)
More than 3 sentence structure errors are noted which detracts from the flow of thoughts. Transitions are choppy or non-existent. (7 points)
Less than 3 sentence structure errors noted. Transitions are a bit choppy. (10 points)
Sentences are well constructed, complete and clear. Transitions maintain flow of thoughts.
Spelling Grammar and APA 10%
Rules of grammar, usage, punctuation are followed
Spelling is correct
Basic APA formatting rules are followed and has 2-3 references cited correctly. (5 points)
More than 3 spelling, grammatical or APA errors are noted. (7 points)
Less than 3 spelling, grammatical or APA errors are noted. (10 points)
No spelling, grammatical or APA errors are noted.
Style 10%
Paper is laid out effectively–uses, heading and other reader-friendly tools
Paper is neat/shows attention to detail (5 points)
Paper is very difficult to read due to frequent errors, ineffective use of headings and severe lack of attention to detail (6 points)
Paper is somewhat difficult to read due to ineffective use of headings and lack of attention to detail. (10 points)
Paper is laid out effectively and is reader friendly. Attention to detail is noted.
Tri Fold Board 10%
Board is “inviting”, concise, and written with consideration of various health literacy levels. (3 Points)
Board poorly developed. Not written for population with moderate to low literacy. Poor use of graphics and bullets. (7 points)
Board is lacking in ability to encourage the person to read it. Graphics are somewhat lacking in ability to support the information. (10 Points)
Board is “inviting” to the reader. Uses graphics and bullets effectively. Written for all levels of health literacy.
Score ___/ 100

Identify how attitudes and beliefs within that culture andor or religion can impact health promotion

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