Identify the infrastructure to support a change in the proposed setting

Identify the infrastructure to support a change in the proposed setting.

Assignment Directions: Evidence Based Practice Project
The purpose of this assignment is to plan your evidence based practice project based on your PICOT question which is In post-surgical patients how does non-pharmacology treatment (leg elevation SCDs ted hose and early ambulation) compared to pharmacology treatments ( lovenox heparin and factor Xa inhibitiors) in the prevention of DVTs over a month period trial. and your literature synthesis.
Use the bolded words as headings. All submissions must be in APA format using the suggested headings below. Please note there is a minimum of 900 words or 3full pages for this assignment that must be submitted for formative feedback. Together both papers meet the 1800 word minimum for this assignment. Points will be deducted for not adhering to the word count.
1. Introduction identify the need for change in practice.
a. Briefly introduce the clinical significance of the patient issue.
b. Identify the initial clinical question (from PICOT paper). Which is In post-surgical patients how does non-pharmacology treatment (leg elevation SCDs ted hose and early ambulation) compared to pharmacology treatments ( lovenox heparin and factor Xa inhibitiors) in the prevention of DVTs over a month period trial.
c. Identify the infrastructure to support a change in the proposed setting
2. Summary of synthesized literature review of best evidence.
a. Start with the parameters of your lit search process: the search engines used and key words.
b. 2-3 paragraphs of synthesis citing all literature used. You may copy the synthesis section of the previous paper for this section and edit to fit.
3. Proposed Practice Change
a. Identify the proposed change in practice based on the evidence.
4. Change Strategy
a. Identify strategies to promote staff/team engagement.
b. Identify the approach to change consistent with organizational culture
i. EBP Model or Change Theory
5. Roll Out Plan
a. Identify a time frame for practice change rollout.
b. List and define all steps in the rollout process.
i. Bullets numbered steps or use of tables are preferred
6. Project Evaluation
a. Identify the specific data that must be collected to evaluate the change focusing on PICOT outcomes (not staff compliance)
b. Include the specific parameters that will indicate success or failure
c. Identify how the data will be collected
7. Dissemination of EBP
a. Identify the methods planned to disseminate the change locally and regionally.
b. Customize to your clinical setting/population.
c. Include the plan for other units hospitals regions
Use this literature review for #2
Hardwick E. Pulido A. & ColwellW. (2011). A Mobile Compression Device Compared With
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin for Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Total

Identify the infrastructure to support a change in the proposed setting

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