Identify Two Probables and the remaining Possibles

Identify Two Probables and the remaining Possibles.

The student will then select one of the probables for further analysis, giving the reasons
for its preference.
The student will then prepare a detailed SWOT analysis with likely responses and
consequences for selected choice.
Finally, using the ‘hierarchical decomposition process, the student will develop a
research plan with assumptions for further investigation.
• Details and background of the Challenge and its impact on clients/customers/organisation
• List at least 5 solutions
• Identify Two Probables and the remaining Possibles
• Select one of the Probables for further investigation and reasons for its
o preference
• Using the SWOT analysis, what are the likely responses and consequences
o of this choice
• Develop a Hierarchical decomposition plan for investigating the selected solution
Learning outcomes assessed:

Identify Two Probables and the remaining Possibles

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