Identify values evident in this situation – Values Identified in Case Study

Identify values evident in this situation – Values Identified in Case Study.

Below are the questions that should be answered in your Week 5 Case Study. Each section should be clearly identified with a heading. Page 2 should have a title. The paragraph below the title should be your introduction. Do not use the word – Introduction. I have provided after each question a suggested heading. If you have any questions, please call me at 409-988-1868.

Summarize the case in the introduction. – The summary goes after the title. The word Introduction is not used.
Identify values evident in this situation – Values Identified in Case Study
Which of these reflect your personal values? – Personal Values
What conflicts might arise from these values? – Conflicts Related to the Values
What do you think Judie should do? – Recommendations for Judie
If you were in Judie’s position, what beliefs, ideals, or goals would guide you in making the decision to stay or leave? Identify potential consequences of each choice. – Personal Decision related to the Case Study
Conclusion – Conclusion

Identify values evident in this situation – Values Identified in Case Study

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