Identify who the indigenous groups are in the country.

Identify who the indigenous groups are in the country..

The best way to approach this section is to:
1. Give a brief overview of your countrys population. What is the population, who are the people, are most people native to the country or immigrants?
2. Investigate if there is migration into or out of the country and why? Is it related to globalization and, if so, how? What is the effect of this?
3. Investigate if there is migration within the country, for instance, rural to urban migration. Is this related to globalization and, if so how? A good example is that in many countries agribusiness has taken over large tracts of farmland to produce agricultural products, driving the small farmer off of the land on which food was grown to feed the family and make at least a small income. The farmer was then forced to migrate to the city to seek work, usually in poor paying jobs and living in slum/ghetto areas. This would be an example of how globalization created migration that was not beneficial. You might also look at migration as the result of plants outsourced to your country. Remember, focus on what happened to the lives of the people.
4. Summarize what you learned and determine if population movement is related to globalization and whether it has been beneficial or negative. If negative, this section would support the idea that globalization has had a negative effect on the country.

POVERTY SECTION: (this section must explore the current time period
Hunger and poverty (you should address whether globalization has increased poverty and hunger in your country.) Who is hungry and why? One way to approach this topic:
1. Give an overview of poverty in the country. How many people are poor, who are they and where are they found in the country (urban areas, rural areas)?
2. Explore why there is hunger. Go back to what you learned about poverty from the text, from assigned readings and class discussion and think about whether any of these apply to your country.
3. Think of what you have already learned from previous sections. Migration often leads to poverty and if people migrate because of global forces, then the ensuing poverty would be a result of globalization also..
4. Think of our discussions and focus on the relationship between the specific examples you may give and be sure you can explain how it is related to globalization. Be specific and give examples to illustrate and support.
5. Summarize what you learn about the poor in your country and determine if globalization has reduced or helped to create poverty. Think about your hypothesis in your summary.

Be sure all work is cited correctly. (this section must explore the current time period). You are researching whether globalization has led to damage to the environment in your country. Think about the example that we discussed in the weekly discussion about the environment with NAFTA and the border. After NAFTA factories sprang up in Mexico along the U.S. border because U.S. corporations could manufacture there using cheap labor and no environmental controls. As a result, the area is one of the most polluted on the continent and the health of people in the area has become very poor). Is there a relationship between the environmental issues in your country and globalization? Give specific examples not generalities. Be sure that you clearly explain how any environmental issue you discussed is related to globalization and remember, you may find environmental issues that are not the result of globalization. How to approach this topic:
1. Give an overview of environmental problems in your country. Look at air quality, water quality, deforestation and other issues.
2. Explore the basis of the problems. Remember environmental issues can occur without being related to globalization.
3. Think of our discussions and focus on the relationship between the specific examples you may give and be sure you can explain how it is related to globalization. Be specific.
4. Summarize what you learn and determine if globalization has led to environmental problems in the country.

(this section must explore the current time period). In this section you are exploring whether globalization has affected disease patterns . Has globalization bettered or worsened the health of the people of your country? What illnesses can be attributed to globalization and how are they related to globalization? Example: here is an example of the type of disease and healthcare issue you should be looking at. At you will find a brief article that talks about how swine flu developed in Mexico as a result of the factory farms and how because of pharmaceutical patents people were denied access to the drugs needed for this disease. Look for similar things in your countries. (this source is not academically acceptable for use in a paper but can serve as a guide of what to look for as you conduct your research). To approach the topic: To approach this topic:
1. Identify prevalent diseases that occur in your country. Think about previous sections such as the environmental issues and whether they lead to diseases (if an environmental issue related to globalization causes a disease that disease is caused by globalization.
2. Think of our discussions and focus on the relationship between the specific examples you may give and be sure you can explain how it is related to globalization. Be specific.
3. Summarize what you have learned and determine if globalization has been responsible for health issues in your country.

(this section must explore the current time period). For this section you are exploring how globalization has affected the indigenous populations. We are NOT looking for such things as loss of culture, but actual events causing harm. One example is the building of dams, pipelines, etc. that often force indigenous people from their homes. The type of information found at is what you are looking for (this source is not academically acceptable for use in a paper but can serve as a guide of what to look for as you conduct your research).
1. Identify who the indigenous groups are in the country.
5. Explore the issues they face that may differ from those of the mainstream population (loss of land, marginalization, poverty, etc.) Determine if these issues are related to globalization and focus on the relationship between the specific examples you may give and be sure you can explain how it is related to globalization. Be specific.
2. Summarize what you learn and what you determined about the relationship to globalization
Protest against the effects of globalization (are there protests in your country against globalization or its effects. For this section you will focus on peasant protest. In our discussion I posted links with examples of peasant protest which should guide you to the type of information you need to research for this section. To approach this topic:
1. Explore recent protests in your country which involve the peasant population.
2. Determine the relationship to globalization. Give specific examples.
3. Summarize what you learn and concluded about the relationship to globalization
**NOTE** This is the only section of the course in which I will accept sources such as newspapers as recent protest may not yet be written about in the peered journals.

Identify who the indigenous groups are in the country.

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