Iphigenia at Aulis by Euripides How does the play address national leaders reasons for going to war?

Iphigenia at Aulis by Euripides How does the play address national leaders reasons for going to war?.


English 2


Drama Quiz and Essay Preparation Notes:

The Suppliants by Aeschylus

  • Why have the Egyptian women (the Danaids) fled to Argos?
  • What right do the women claim for refuge in Argos?
  • What reasons does Pelasgos give to challenge the Danaids claim?
  • What last resort do the Danaids plan to take if the Argives refuse them refuge?
  • What is at stake for Pelasgos, and what is tragic about it?
  • What command does Danaos give his daughters near the end of the play, why?
  • What position do the Handmaidens take on the issue the Danaids actions?
  • What are the major themes of the drama?

Iphigenia at Aulis by Euripides

  • How does the play address national leaders reasons for going to war?
  • How does Agamemnon initially respond to the message from the Oracle of Delphi?
  • What reasons does Agamemnon give for insisting that they go through with the sacrifice of Iphigenia?
  • What is Achilles position on the proposed sacrifice of Iphigenia and how Agamemnon got Clytemnestra to bring her to Aulis?
  • What is Menelaus attitude toward the sacrifice of Iphigenia? Is he consistent? What changes for him?
  • What are Iphigenias contradictory responses to her planned sacrifice?
  • What is the central conflict of Iphigenia at Aulis?
  • What are the major themes of the drama?

Iphigenia at Aulis by Euripides How does the play address national leaders reasons for going to war?

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