Is it easy for your reader to understand what you did and the arguments you made?

Is it easy for your reader to understand what you did and the arguments you made?.

For the data analysis project, you will address some questions that interest you with the statistical methodology we are learning in class. Using available data from the weblink below, you decide the parameters of the project. Do the approvals vary by state, credit score? Is there a pattern to the rejections?
The project requires you to synthesize all the materials from the course. Hence, its one of the best ways to solidify your understanding of statistical methods.
In 6 page paper, please create a presentation that adequately addresses and answers your statistical question(s). Include your random sampling, calculations, graphs, charts, hypothesis, conclusion, and anything pertinent to your “statistical question(s).”
The most important aspects of any statistical analysis are stating questions and collecting data. To get the full experience of running your own study, the project requires you to analyze data that you collect.
Good projects begin with very clear and well-defined hypotheses. You should think of questions that interest you first, and then worry about how to collect and analyze data to address those questions. Generally, vague topics lead to uninteresting projects.
Practical Advice: Make every effort to get a random sample.
Guidelines for an effective project:
1. Statement of the problem: Describe the questions you address and any key issues surrounding the questions.
2. Data collection: Explain how you collect data. Include any questions you asked. Also, include response rates.
3. Analyses: Describe the analyses you did and justification of why you did what you did. Include calculations for measures of central tendency, standard deviation, measures of association, analysis: ANOVA, t-tests. Measures of central tendency alone are not enough. Use a variety!
4. Results: Present relevant descriptive statistics (e.g., number of men and women surveyed, if that is important). Include tables or graphs that support your analyses (be judicious here – too many tables and graphs hurts the clarity of your message).
5. Conclusions: Answer your question of interest.
6. Discussion: What implications do your results have for the population you sampled from? What could be done to improve the study if it was done again? What types of biases might exist?
7. Name: Name your project and include your name on the project!
Project Grading Guidelines:
1. Consistency: Did you answer your question of interest?
2. Clarity: Is it easy for your reader to understand what you did and the arguments you made?
3. Relevancy: Did you use statistical techniques wisely to address your question?
4. Interest: Did you tackle a challenging, interesting question (good), or did you just collect descriptive statistics (bad)?
5. Length: Did you use enough slides to display your project professionally?
6. Grammar: Form, bullets, complete sentences, spelling, punctuation?
7. Appearance: Did you do a professional job?
8. Works Cite: Did you cite all of your sources?
Guidelines – Points to consider:
1. Projects are due on time and submitted via email –
2. Late projects will not be accepted and will result in zero points, no exceptions.
3. Do no plagiarize. Plagiarism equals zero points. Cite all of your work. If you use a source for information, raw data, or anything you MUST cite your work at the end of your project.
4. Failure to cite your work could result in an F for the project.
5. If you conduct your own experiments and collect the data, you MUST tell me that in the project.
6. Big clip art does not constitute a slide of data. You can have it, but it will not be counted as a required slide. Graphs and charts with important data do count!
7. Ask questions EARLY and OFTEN! Do not wait until the last week of class to start the project and start asking questions.
8. Your project must have a title slide to include the name of your project and your name.
9. Failure to include statistical data, calculations, and analysis in your project will result in a failing grade. Projects with only averages as their supporting data will not pass. Use the statistical calculations that you learn in this class.
Grading Rubric – 50 points: see Project Grading Guidelines above for details.
Consistency 5 points possible
Clarity 5 points possible
Relevancy 10 points possible
Length 5 points possible
Grammar 10points possible
Appearance 10 points possible
Guidelines – did you follow them? 5 points possible
• Project should have a variety of statistical calculations, to include but not limited to Measures of Central Tendency. Just posting averages on data is not enough.
• This is not a research project where you report on a topic.
• Create a hypothesis! Prove or disprove it!
• If you conduct an experiment to collect the data – tell me what about your experiment.

Is it easy for your reader to understand what you did and the arguments you made?

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