Is it problematic and why?

Is it problematic and why?.

Some things to consider to narrow down the focus for you:
– what artifacts were found at the site?
– what were they made of?
– are they indicative of trade or local manufacturing?
– What do the dating practices suggest? Is it problematic and why?
– Did another site exist here before the fortress?
– what do the Geological features of the site indicate: e.g Ditches, drains and roads, Discrete magnetic features, Sunken-featured buildings, Features relating to the fortress?
– what type of material was used to construct the fortress? was it local or imported material?
– Does the location sit in isolation or does surrounding archeological sites suggest this location existed in correlation to another?
– the surrounding topography – what does it indicate? near water could indicate a port location for example.
Also, what does the location and evidence suggest about the social, cultural, class, and economic conditions? Does the archeological evidence appear to belong to upper, middle, lower, or slave class? a mixture of all? a centralized dominate structure for a greater authority or several similar dwelling that held a mix class of people?

Is it problematic and why?

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