marked increase in health care expenditure

marked increase in health care expenditure.

Preventable medication errors occur in many settings and result in a loss of human lives and a marked increase in health care expenditure. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) (2016) estimated that approximately 1.5 million preventable medication errors occur yearly in hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient centers. It is imperative that nurses understand their role in all aspects of medication administration in order to prevent these errors. For this research paper, each student will be asked to find a current article (within 5 years) related to Medication Errors: Ethical/Legal Issues in Nursing Practice, focusing on patient care errors and solutions, in a peer-reviewed journal. A minimum of three references will be required for the content of the paper. The total paper requirement is five pages, not including cover page or references, and must be written in APA 6th edition format. The paper will include the following content: (1) Introduction to the medication error case study involving the patient, (2) Analysis of the medication error(s) in the situation as it affects patient care, (3) Description of legal and ethical consequences surrounding the medication error with identification and application of at least one of the American Nurses Association (ANA) ethical standards related to patient care, (4) Methods used to decrease this type of medication error when administering medications in a variety of settings. I included references in the attachments and also the instructions and rubric for the paper. Other references can be used if necessary but they must be peer-reviewed scholarly articles/journals published within the last 5 years. The case study to be used for my paper is in the article titled “Preventing medication errors in critical care”. In the beginning of the article its talks about a medication error that occurs in the ICU.

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marked increase in health care expenditure

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