Martin Luther of the Reformation, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the Enlightenment.

Martin Luther of the Reformation, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the Enlightenment..


Below we have two writings from the two most famous representatives of their respective movements: Martin Luther of the Reformation, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the Enlightenment. Both of them had revolutionary ideas about government for the time, with Luther breaking from medieval tradition, and Rousseau breaking from the Reformation/early modern ideas. Explain this evolution as explained in these texts: what is Luther’s view on government and its relation to religion? And for Rousseau – how does he view the purpose of government, and its relation to religion? How is it significantly different from Luther’s view? Please write 6 pages, double-spaced. no sources needed

The post Martin Luther of the Reformation, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the Enlightenment. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Martin Luther of the Reformation, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the Enlightenment.

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