Mental health reflection essay

Mental health reflection essay.


this book is one of the best reference:
Happell, B., Cowin, L., Roper, C., Lakeman, R. & Cox, L. (2013). Introducing mental health nursing: A service user-oriented approach. Crow?s Nest Australia: Allen & Unwin.

APA 6 style referencing with all date and website all details
1000 words is the limit including in-text referencing.

Description: Individual Focused Reflection
You will reflect on and consider the impacts of your values, attitudes, beliefs and opinions about mental health and about those experiencing mental health issues and consider the application of mental health knowledge and skills.

Preparation & Reflecting Instructions
Think about and write down:
? what you know and believe about mental health
? how your beliefs, attitudes and opinions about mental health have been formed. Factors to consider include your own
experience of mental health issues or that of someone you know; your knowledge base; your culture [age, gender, gender
identity, ethnicity, class, ability]
? whatyouarelearningintheunit?slecturesandtutorials.Considerhowthismaterialalignswithyourexistingknowledge,
opinions and thinking about mental health
? how you will integrate your knowledge of mental health into your nursing practice; consider what you may find challenging
or difficult; consider your strengths and what you may do well

In each part, markers will be looking for: indications of your insight and self- awareness; connections between your personal experience and the unit content; your ability to apply reflective practice to clinical practice; indications that progress has been made towards achieving the learning objectives

Part 1a
Reflect on and describe how your beliefs and attitudes towards people who have mental health issues have changed from before you started NSB023 and since being involved in the unit. In your answer discuss factors that may have influenced your opinions prior to your study such as your own experience of mental health issues or that of someone you know; your knowledge base; your age, beliefs, ethnicity, etc.
Part 1b
Consider the application of the model cultural safety in nursing care. Thinking about your response to Part 1a, discuss how your own culture including your beliefs/opinions, values and attitudes may present challenges to your capacity to give care.
Part 2a
What do you think you might find difficult about mental health nursing and the therapeutic use of self what do you think you will do well? That is, discuss your strengths and possible limitations.
Part 2b
Following on from Part 2a, explain how you will use your learning in this unit to enhance your practice from a mental health perspective in two (2) specific nursing practice settings. The practice settings must not be mental health specialty practice settings. Demonstrate how your knowledge and skills of mental health and mental health nursing will enhance the care you provide in the settings you choose.

These 5 steps can help you to work through a reflective process:
1. Description: What are you reflecting on [e.g. mental health, what you know and/or
believe about it; how beliefs attitudes etc. formed; new material presented]
2. Feelings: What were the feelings/emotions & reactions to the material? Alignment of new material with existing knowledge
o What values were expressed/challenged?
3. Evaluation. E.g. how can you integrate new knowledge? 4. Conclusions: what might you find challenging etc.
5. Action: What might you do to overcome them?

Mental health reflection essay

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