Montessori: The Forgotten Theory

Montessori: The Forgotten Theory.

Montessori: The Forgotten Theory; Maria Montessori’s approach to education demonstrates a core developmental theory that spans the biological, cognitive, and social domains.

Montessori: The Forgotten Theory

Maria Montessori’s approach to education demonstrates a core developmental theory that spans the biological, cognitive, and social domains. While many might contend that this method lacks consistent and valid outcome data, it continues to be utilized in more than 4,000 schools in the United States, and it is one of the most prolific educational approaches used across the world. Utilizing the resources on Montessori, or researching your own, summarize the key points that distinguish the Montessori Method. Second, critique the statement that the Montessori Method may be the most sensitive to diversity of the foundational theories of cognitive development.

In this short paper, be sure to address the following critical elements:

Key Points: How do the techniques and approaches to education in the Montessori Method relate to theories of learning (i.e., social learning, behaviorism)?

Also, what distinguishes Montessori from Piaget or Vygotsky?

Additionally, in what ways might Montessori be similar to those approaches?

Despite its worldwide popularity, why is the Montessori Method less recognized by researchers in cognitive and learning fields?

Critique: How does the origin of Maria Montessori’s interest in child development imply sensitivity to diversity?

What aspects have been suggest to support this method as being diversity sensitive?

Given the method’s worldwide popularity, how does this indicate its application across diverse populations?

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
attached is the resources to use:

Montessori: The Forgotten Theory

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