Mystery Shopping Questionnaire

Mystery Shopping Questionnaire.

Mystery Shopping Questionnaire
1. Download the Mystery Shopping Questionnaire (Word document) and go mystery shop your chosen establishment. Remember that you are utilizing a manager’s or entrepreneur’s point…

1. Download the Mystery Shopping Questionnaire (Word document) and go mystery shop your chosen establishment. Remember that you are utilizing a manager’s or entrepreneur’s point of view and you are preparing to present a business report that your VP or CEO will likely see.
Utilizing the information gathered in the questionnaire, create
2. a one (1) pagereport in APA format with recommendations for improvement and/or recognition; whatever is applicable to the different areas of your assessment of the business.
3. a PowerPointPresentation with a minimum of 5 slides, summarizing your findings.
It is essential that you use business terms, correct grammar and proof read your presentation and paper for errors. Check resources on how to create a good business PowerPointpresentation – remember you are a business professional.

the completed questionnaire
one (1) pagereport

Mystery Shopping Questionnaire

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