New roman font, and double spaced

New roman font, and double spaced.

Evidence is from Vergil’s the Aeneid books 4, 6, 8, and 12. Only certain parts are used from books 6 amd 8. From book 6, lines 1-124, 236-334, 450-476, 670-901 and from book 8, lines 585-730. Must be in MLA format. 12 point font, Times New roman font, and double spaced. The prompt: Create a new Roman cultural value which you might call “Aenean Romanitas”, in which you consider the totality of Aeneas’ actions as your evidence. What negative traits are fundamental to his character? Does Aeneas always remain loyal to his family? To his gods? To his state? Is he more selfish than selfless? Consider as well the role that Augustus plays in the narrative. Does your new, more cynical cultural value, “Aenean Romanitas” suit Octavian/Augustus better than the traditional Roman values.

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New roman font, and double spaced

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