Paralegal certification exam | Law homework help

Paralegal certification exam | Law homework help.

ID: [email protected]

Password: Panther19

Complete the “professional paralegals lexis advance master exam” by watching the five videos on the website linked above. Once the exam is passed screenshot the certification and send it to me as the assignment. The mastery exam needs to be passed with an 80% in order to get the certification with only 2 attempts.

There are 5 videos that needs to be watched to be able to answer the questions to the Mastery exam. 

The videos are linked as follow: 

Paralegal Student #1 intro to Lexis Advance 2019, Paralegal Student #2 Secondary sources on lexis on lexis advance 2019, Paralegal Student #3 Case opinions and agency decisions on lexis advance 2019, Paralegal Student #4 statues and regulations, Paralegal Student #5 Cite checking 

Paralegal certification exam | Law homework help

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