Part 1 Design, Implementation, and Communication of the Campus Vision and Mission

Part 1 Design, Implementation, and Communication of the Campus Vision and Mission.

Part 1: Design, Implementation, and Communication of the Campus Vision and Mission
(W4LO5 / CLO4, CLO5)
Directions: Based on the readings and lectures for weeks 1 – 4, data sets from weeks 1 – 3, and the Cardinal Middle School vision and Mission statements, you will respond to the following prompts:
1. A.     (NELP 1.1) Articulate collaborative processes for designing a school vision and mission. (minimum of 2 150-word paragraphs)
First paragraph:
Evaluate the Cardinal Middle School vision and mission statements. Based on what you discovered through the past weeks’ data analyses, what changes would you recommend to these statements? Include differences and connections between a vision and a mission statement and their purposes. Consider the following:
    Values
    Equity
    Diversity
    Community
Second paragraph:
Identify who would be involved in the collaborative design of the vision and mission statements and the processes for developing them. Consider the following:
    Collaboration
    Objectives aligned with mission
    Goal(s) aligned with vision
    Community
Cite all appropriate sources and data analyses to support your statements.
1. B.     (NELP 1.1) Articulate a comprehensive plan for communicating the vision and mission. (minimum of 2 150-word paragraphs)
First paragraph:
In what ways will the school vision and mission be communicated?
Second paragraph:
Who would be involved in the communicating the school vision and mission?
Cite all appropriate sources and data analyses to support your statements.
Part 2: Evaluation, Design, and Advocacy for Positive School Culture
(W4LO1, W4LO2 / CLO1), (W4LO4 / CLO3, CLO5)
Directions: Based on the readings and lectures for weeks 1 – 4, and data sets from weeks 1 – 3, you will respond to the following prompts:
2. A.     (NELP 3.1) Evaluate the culture of Cardinal Middle School. Write one paragraph (minimum 150 words) identifying at least one significant area of need for improvement of school culture. Explain your rationale based on appropriate data, readings, and lectures. NELP 3.1
Cite all appropriate sources and data analyses to support your rationale.
2. B.     (NELP 3.1) Articulate the processes for data-driven design and cultivation of a supportive, nurturing, inclusive school culture. Write one paragraph (minimum 150 words). Consider the following key behaviors and mindsets in school culture: NELP 3.1
    Common values
    Honor for diversity
    Growth mindsets
    Professional collaboration
    Collegial relationships

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Part 1 Design, Implementation, and Communication of the Campus Vision and Mission

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