Philosophy of Technology Integration.
Being able to incorporate technology into the daily lesson plans offers the teacher an endless possibility of communicating the subject through multiple modalities. Technology within the classroom can be seen through proximas, ELMO’s, DVD’s and websites that are incorporated to teach the students. Educators should be open to learning and incorporating the many opportunities technology brings to the classroom. Although technology has areas of strength and weaknesses, if learned and implemented creatively and efficiently students learning will be impacted greatly.
Today’s students immerse themselves’ daily in multiple sources of technology. They are visually stimulated by the sites and networking readily available to them. When they enter the classroom they are confronted with no technology and a teacher who lacks the tools necessary to close the gap between the advanced generation and the teachers’ lesson plans . It is crucial for an educator to learn how to use the technology to facilitate student learning. Jean Piaget wrote, “The new methods [teaching] are those that take accou…