Policy Memo to the Board. Write a 2000-word policy memo to the Board of your current organisation or other approved organisation.

Policy Memo to the Board. Write a 2000-word policy memo to the Board of your current organisation or other approved organisation..

Policy Memo to the Board. Write a 2000-word policy memo to the Board of your current organisation or other approved organisation. This policy memo will include an analysis of the key planning and innovation challenges faced by contemporary business organisations and business leaders. Identify potential responsible leadership strategies which could be incorporated into strategic planning and change for the organisation.
Prepare a 2,000 word report (plus/minus 10 per cent). The focus is on high quality critique and integration of academic sources.
Submission Date: Week 11: Online submission via Turn-it-in and hard copy in class.
All reports should include a minimum of six (6) academic peer review journal articles. Additional sources may include company websites, industry associations, and government authorities.
Non-scholarly websites, including, but not limited to, Wikipedia, UKessays.com etc. may not be used.

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Policy Memo to the Board. Write a 2000-word policy memo to the Board of your current organisation or other approved organisation.

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