Project Management is a method that when used correctly, organizes a project from start to finish. It describes every step of the project in depth and is a clear roadmap of the project life cycle

Project Management is a method that when used correctly, organizes a project from start to finish. It describes every step of the project in depth and is a clear roadmap of the project life cycle.


Project Management is a method that when used correctly, organizes a project from start to finish. It describes every step of the project in depth and is a clear roadmap of the project life cycle.
PROJECT : project involving planning, implementation, and evaluation which will be detailed in the final 5-page report and 7 slide power presentation. You identified the risk of falls in the nursing home. Develop a project that how did you come to the outcome and create a program by program evaluation model ! Imclude the goals, objectives n Swot ananlysis!
Step 1:
Align yourself with a healthcare organization and in particular, find a mentor who will allow you to interview them, so that you may for an opinion of their current programs/systems.
FOUND xyz skilled Nuesing facilility N talked to administrator
Step 2:
Gather enough data to follow the planning model: Planning, Program Development, and Evaluation
Identify their needs and the areas of opportunity for their program.
Identified Falls and Risks for Elderly population in the Nursing Home
Identified 3 falls in 3 weekends- assessment
Step 3:
Develop a project and/or program that will improve upon their systems. Write goals and objectives, based on your needs assessment. You may not have feasibility studies available, but if so, it will only strengthen your project proposal. Discuss what will likely be the outcome. Are their pitfalls that should be taken into consideration? Is the probability of success determinant on outside stakeholders? What are the risks? Please be sure to take this all into consideration when developing your proposal. Finally, be sure to include a feedback loop, tools to evaluate project outcomes.
Step 4:
Discuss your proposal with the facility. Get honest feedback on whether or not they feel this is a viable solution. The lessons learned and the invaluable time spent gaining knowledge from a person in your desired field of work is the point of this project.
Step 5:
Incorporate your experiences and your project proposal in a 5-page report, double spaced and 12-point. Discuss how you arrived at your conclusions and how your proposal was received.

Project Management is a method that when used correctly, organizes a project from start to finish. It describes every step of the project in depth and is a clear roadmap of the project life cycle

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