Reflect on your personal and professional holistic nursing journey and discuss how it affects who you are today.

Reflect on your personal and professional holistic nursing journey and discuss how it affects who you are today..

Reflect on your personal and professional holistic nursing journey and discuss how it affects who you are today.

Reflect on your personal and professional holistic nursing journey and discuss how it affects who you are today.
2: Culturally competent communication in the caring environment with the interprofessional team

Think of an example from your professional nursing practice in which you can apply the concepts you have learned about this week. You may choose to focus on motivational interviewing, appreciative inquiry, nurse coaching, relationship building, or another approach or strategy from your text. How would you define culturally competent communication? How might you apply this approach or strategy to demonstrate culturally competent communication in the creation of caring environments with the interprofessional team? What barriers might you encounter and how might you overcome them?

Reflect on your personal and professional holistic nursing journey and discuss how it affects who you are today.

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