Select any peer reviewed journal article from the School’s library on the topic of stress, coping, or social support.

Select any peer reviewed journal article from the School’s library on the topic of stress, coping, or social support..

Select any peer reviewed journal article from the School’s library on the topic of stress, coping, or social support. Respond to the following questions within your response:
Did the article consider multiple ecological levels of analysis? Identify the levels and explain.
Did it examine contextual factors, community resources, social support, mutual help, social-emotional competencies, and positive outcomes such as resilience, thriving, and empowerment? Identify the implications of each and explain.
Did it test or consider interventions? If so, explain why it did or did not.
Create your response into a word doc using APA format with a minimum of 600-750 minimum word count. Include in text citations which will connect to the factual points from the article and/or textbook, and include the reference citation(s) at the end of the document.

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Select any peer reviewed journal article from the School’s library on the topic of stress, coping, or social support.

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