Some businesses approach innovative ideas based upon how they believe the public will respond to the change.

Some businesses approach innovative ideas based upon how they believe the public will respond to the change..

how to implement an orginizational structure change, what are the challenges, how to over come while aligning the answer to 2 theories (such as Holbeche & Beckhard and Harris)sample answer attached. Document Preview: Abstract For an innovative idea to be successful, the leadership team of an organization will need to possess certain skills that will enable them to execute the innovative idea. Some of these skills are derive from the upbringing of the individuals. The environment and association of the individuals will also determine if they will become effective leaders. This paper discusses the role of ethics and its responsibilities in leading innovation and change. The concept of lifting where employees stand is introduced. An analysis and evaluation of the challenges that may arise when leading and managing innovative changes are also discussed. Some principles and practices to implement in leading innovation and change are perceiving organizations as learning institutions, recognizing each employee as a productive member of society, and caring more for employees than leaders own prestige. Some new approaches to leading innovation and change in an organization are Refined and Scrutinized approach. Keywords: Challenges; Changes; Ethics; Employees; Innovation; Idea; Innovative Project; Leadership Team; Lifting Where Employees Stand; Refine; Scrutinize. Introduction Every business approaches an innovative idea differently. Some businesses approach innovative ideas based upon how they believe the public will respond to the change. What will determine if an organization will be successful in carrying out its innovative plan will depend on how the organization approaches the novel idea. Leading an innovation is not the same as teaching a college course or supervising a few people. The purpose of this research is to investigate the ethical issues relating to innovations and how employees may be supported through an innovation process. The problems this paper will highlight are that organizations leadership teams do not always encourage its employees to put in their best in an innovative project. It is important to put into consideration how an organization is doing overall. But,… Attachments: AhmedEqab—L….pdf

Some businesses approach innovative ideas based upon how they believe the public will respond to the change.

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