Story of a Romanian Immigrant

Story of a Romanian Immigrant.

Story of a Romanian Immigrant

Immigrating to the United States in not a simple process. Millions immigrate to America but many millions more are denied a visa or forced to cross the border illegally because of the limited number of applicants that the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, now a department of Homeland Security, provides as well as the extremely stringent process that is imposed upon migrating applicants. Even getting a simple tourist visa can be a tiring ordeal and beyond reach of most foreign citizens who are not wealthy. This results in numbers of people who are forced to look for other means such as resorting to coyotes, people who smuggle people into America, or corporate coyotes, “executives who would sanction the smuggling of illegal immigrants” (Talton). In the last decade the attitude towards migration, especially in the Southwest, has worsened as many Americans blame illegal immigrants for causing economic hardships and fear diversification to American culture. “Immigrants, particularly so-called ‘illegal’ immigrants an…



Story of a Romanian Immigrant

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