Student responsibilities and conduct

Student responsibilities and conduct.

how can i write my 1 st assignment. Document Preview: 400967 Health Economics and Comparative Health Systems School of Science & Health Learning guide Spring 2014 UNIT DETAILS Unit Code: 400967 Unit Name: Health Economics and Comparative Health Systems Level: 7 Contact hours per week: 1 hour lecture 2 hour tutorial STAFF Unit Coordinator and point of first contact Diana Messum Building 24, room G35 , Campbelltown campus (First Point of Contact) Off- campus lecturer, phone or email Phone Diana: (02) 4620 3745 Email: Tutors Kevin Forde Email: CONSULTATION ARRANGEMENTS Campbelltown Both Kevin and Carla work of campus so contact by email please. To make an appointment with Diana please email. Otherwise available Tuesdays 11-3. Text Book No single text is recommended for this course. Students will be directed to a number of recent publications. Edition: Spring 2014 Copyright: University of Western Sydney, 2014. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission from the Dean of the School of Science & Health. Copyright for acknowledged materials reproduced herein is retained by the copyright holder. All readings in this publication are copied under licence in accordance with Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968. Table of Contents 1. About Health Economics and Comparative Healthcare Systems 1 1.1 An Introduction to this Unit 1 1.2 What is Expected of You 1 1.3 Student responsibilities and conduct 2 1.4 What You can Expect from the Teaching Team 2 1.5 Changes to Unit as a Result of Past Student Feedback 2 2. Learning and Teaching in this Unit 3 2.1 Unit Learning Outcomes 3 2.3 Schedule of Activities 4 2.4 Summary of How Learning Activities Support Achievment of Unit Learning Outcomes 9 2.5 Learning Resources 9 2.6 Other… Attachments: 400967-Health….docx

Student responsibilities and conduct

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