Summarize the key strengths and limitations of the article and make an overall evaluation of the value of the article and the degree to which you would be confident in using the recommendations for practice.

Summarize the key strengths and limitations of the article and make an overall evaluation of the value of the article and the degree to which you would be confident in using the recommendations for practice..


Thesis essay on Research Methods for Nursing

Research Critique


In Assignment 1 you developed a PICO question, reviewed a number of scholarly articles on the topic you chose, and created a summary table. In this assignment, you are to choose one of the articles chosen for a more in-depth critique; discuss the degree to which you are convinced of the rigour of the research; and, how/whether the recommendations could be disseminated for practice.

Each student is to critique a nursing research article chosen from the summary table in Assignment 1 that clearly uses either quantitative methods or clearly uses qualitative methods. Do not select a mixed methods or literature review/scoping article. Do not select an article that is not nursing research. Only select one article.
To help prepare you for the assignment you may like to refer to the following readings/activities:

Course Textbook – Holland and Rees Chapter 7
Refer to the Learning Activity for Assignment 2 to see key elements of writing a critique of an article (Study desk under the assessment heading)
Course Readings Direct – under useful links on study desk. Example of a qualitative and quantitative critique (Schneider, 2007)
To conduct a critique of a research article:

For a quantitative methods article follow the framework on page 178 of your course textbook (Table 7.2)
For a qualitative methods article follow the framework on pages 179-180 of your course textbook (Table 7.3)
Requirements are clearly laid out in the rubrics for the assignment. It is always a good strategy to use the outline of the rubric as an outline for your assignment and to keep comparing your assignment to the rubric as you are writing each section.
Using your answers to the relevant criteria/critique questions, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the research report in your conclusion.
This assignment is a scholarly essay.
Scholarly essays have an introduction and conclusion:
1. The introduction describes the thesis or goal of the essay, identifies the article that was critiqued and criteria used to conduct the critique, and tells the reader what to expect in the content of the assignment.

The body of the essay is a statement addresses the point in Module 4, Part 9, Step 2; and Step 4 in an essay format. Do not simply answer the questions. The questions serve as a guide to the content of the article. Not all points will apply to each article critique.
Summarize the key strengths and limitations of the article and make an overall evaluation of the value of the article and the degree to which you would be confident in using the recommendations for practice.
Identify and analyse factors which may influence research utilisation of the findings in the article
Discuss how and whether the findings could be disseminated to other nurses and/or health care professionals
The conclusion summarizes the key points in the article and balances the introduction.
Submit an electronic copy pdf file of the article with your assignment (appendix).
In this scholarly academic essay, students are required to follow APA format (6th Edition) for writing (the way in which the essay is written, including clarity, organization, grammatical structure, spelling) and style (format) including:

a) a cover page that includes:

– the title for the assignment that reflects the topic

– student’s name and student number

– course number and name

– faculty member’s name, and

– date submitted

b) Body of the assignment starts on the page 2, correct format for citing articles

c) References start on separate page after body of the assignment in correct APA format

d) Appendix 1 (electronic/pdf copy of the article chosen)

e) APA formatting (minimum expected):

1. Times New Roman font 12 only

2. Double spaced – no extra spaces

3. 2.5cm (1 inch) margins (all sides) – use full page (note, you will need to change the default settings in Word which are at 1.25″ for L/R margins)

4. Page numbering upper right corner of all pages (including cover page)

5. Header both optional

f) As noted above, APA format also means an assignment that is well written; ideas are clear, is well organized, no spelling errors, correct grammatical structure (APA manual has lots of helpful hints for writing well, or use OWL at Purdue

g) Word length 2000 words (plus or minus 10%).

2000 words

10 apa reference

Summarize the key strengths and limitations of the article and make an overall evaluation of the value of the article and the degree to which you would be confident in using the recommendations for practice.

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