Technology at Its Roots The Evolution of the Computer.
Technology at Its Roots
Everyday we continue to invent new things to help technology march forward and evolve into something better. Computers need to be quicker, phones need more features, pictures need more clarity, and calls need to be clearer. No matter what the subject, if technology is involved, someone always desires to reinvent it and make it better. This idea is true when it comes to all forms of technology. We constantly want to improve our devices so they may fulfill our needs with more efficiency. However, where did it all start? What caused our rapid explosion of technology and our constant need to improve on the latest model? Simple, it all started with the computer.
The first computer was very primitive when compared to today’s modern machines. This machine was called the Z1 and was invented by Konrad Zuse, a German civil engineer, in 1935. This computer was designed for the sole purpose of solving complex engineering calculations quickly (Karwatka 30). The Z1 computer was about the size of a four-foot cube and was entirely mechanical. It was made in Zuse’s parent…