Technology Through The Ages

Technology Through The Ages.

Even though technology may seem like a hassle for the older generations, it has greatly impacted the world because most families are dependent on technology as a part of their daily lives. Living in a modern society, technology has changed the world in an optimistic way, making many lives easier, safer, and better. Over the years, technology has grown like a young child; it started off crawling, then it learned to walk, and finally matured enough to run at a speed at which it is impossible to catch up to. Technology is currently in the elusive stage. To some extent, technology is inseparable from our lives. Through the years, technology has continuously bettered lives, even though there are incidences of the contrary.
Technology ages back to when curious humans wanted to make life simpler and solve daily problems. During the early Stone Age, technology involved the use of tools to survive or hunt. Stone tools and weapons assisted early humans to engage in organized warfare and the hunt for animals. As opposed to the Bronze and Copper Age, the Stone Age used stone as the main hard m…



Technology Through The Ages

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