The Brain That Changes Itself chapter from Norman Doidge’s book

The Brain That Changes Itself chapter from Norman Doidge’s book.

This is a paper that is focusing on The Brain That Changes Itself chapter from Norman Doidge’s book . The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

The Brain That Changes Itself chapter from Norman Doidge’s book

You’re limited to 3 or 4 direct quotes, the rest being paraphrased.
1. the chapter from Norman Doidge’s book, The Brain That Changes Itself.

2. Chapter 11, pp. 223-241 on Gender differences.   Are men and women different physically in terms of brain function?  Are men more vulnerable to some ailments than women?  Also, are women more vulnerable to other ailments than are men?  Are our brains similar from a chemical point of view?  Let’s see what author, John Medina, has to say.

3. Nutrition for the Brain by Dr. Charles Krebs

4.Chapter on Memory fromthe book “Brain Ruls”

5. Technology and the Brain (“i Crazy” by Tony Dokoupil, “Our Semi-Literate Youth: Not So Fast” bu Andrea Lunsford and  Mind Over Mass Media by Steven Pinker)

Please write an argumentation essay ,please write a letter to the President of Oxnard College, Dr. Luis Sanchez, explaining what recommendations you would make to him on how to make Oxnard College a more “brain-friendly” institution.
in which you support your position by citing source materials, the textbook, Brain Rules, or any handouts is attached throughout this assignment. Please Dont forget the  embedded citations in your paper. typical 5-paragraph argument complete with a thesis and three arguments and a conclusion. Please cite sources in your argumentation, only the sources which is given you throughout this assignment, in proper MLA 8th Ed format.  Lastly please DO NOT use any other outside sources for this assignment.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.


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The Brain That Changes Itself chapter from Norman Doidge’s book

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