The Causes Of Global Warming, And Suggested Solutions.

The Causes Of Global Warming, And Suggested Solutions..

The Causes Of Global Warming, And Suggested Solutions.
Television is one of the most popular devices around the world. Moreover, every house has one TV at least in it. People can see the news, games, and education on TV. However, In the past when there was no TV around, people walked every day to get their newspaper. Walking is kind of exercising, so people at that time were healthier. In this essay, I will mention some of pons and cons of using the TV.

TV has many advantages so we can’t deny the benefits of the TV. First of all, TV is one of the best ways of learning, due to the educational channels. Another thing, it gets you the all the information around the globe to your TV. Next Entertaining, to have all the family around and communicate with each other and entertain the kids.

But in the other hands, it wastes your time and slowly takes your health away. Sometimes it could be one of the reasons of distortion of thought for children and adults when they watch these bloody shows and many other things in it, they thought they can do the same and it is all fine. Next, it also infects the kids that watch for a long period by autism.

The Causes Of Global Warming, And Suggested Solutions.

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