The Lives of Women and Children in Ancient Egypt and Greece

The Lives of Women and Children in Ancient Egypt and Greece.

The Lives of Women and Children in Ancient Egypt and Greece

Answer one of the following questions as completely as you can in the space allotted:

  1. Compare and contrast the lives of women and children in ancient Egypt and Greece.
  2. Compare and contrast the two Greek city states – Sparta and Athens.(You may choose to find precedents for both in Uruk and Babylon.)
  3. Compare and contrast the female mythical figures of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, and the Tanakh (Old Testament).
  • Your paper should be at least three pages (that means to the bottom of the third page).It should not be more than four pages. It must be double spaced and typed in 12 point Times New Roman font.
  • Provide a cover page.Start your essay at the top of the next page.The cover page is not included in the three page minimum.
  • Begin with a strong thesis statement followed by relevant evidence from the readings and lecture.Cite Cole as (Cole pg.#); cite the articles by the first significant two words in the title of the document for example (“Speciating Sea” 454 or “Egypt – Beginning” 557); and cite the presentations/lectures as Colling + lecture/slide #, e.g. (Colling 5/42)Cite often.Document each claim that you make, but use only the assigned sources, i.e. readings and lectures.
  • The only outside sources you may use are videos or web pages that have been assigned.Do not be tempted to use outside sources. The purpose of the exam is to assess your understanding of the readings.
  • Do not plagiarize.

The Lives of Women and Children in Ancient Egypt and Greece

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