The Zoot Suit Riots and Dualism

The Zoot Suit Riots and Dualism.


Zoot Suit’s use of duality and politicization of characters and ideologies is a key component of the Sleepy Lagoon murder and the disempowerment of Mexican Americans in the 1940s, which lead to the rise of the Chicano movement. Through the two main characters that the audience sees political matters highlighted and the duality of humanity. Discuss the significance of Henry Reyna and El Pachuco as three-dimensional personalities in Zoot Suit through writing techniques and artistic aspects, which serve to represent the disempowerment in the Chicano movement.

Primary Sources

Critically analyze, historically situate, and closely read your primary source(s) as a way to raise larger questions and/or make a historical argument about when analyzing and arguing why duality and politicization of characters and ideologies is a key component in the Chicano movement of the Zoot Suit Riots.


The post The Zoot Suit Riots and Dualism first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

The Zoot Suit Riots and Dualism

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