This Practice with Workshop Manual aims to provide an overview of the key requirements of this time-constrained case study for June 2018 assessment.

This Practice with Workshop Manual aims to provide an overview of the key requirements of this time-constrained case study for June 2018 assessment..

However, to understand this manual, you need to have read the case material provided and have the questions with you as neither of these are included in this manual owing to ARU copyright issues.

Section 4 of the assignment contains only a single question and this is mandatory. However, you have the option of selecting ONLY one question to answer from every other section from sections 1 to 3. In total, you should answer four questions taking only one question from each section.

Format and Structure

The following format and structure can be followed when drafting the report. However, you are free to adopt a suitable report format to present the answer.

• Cover page • Table of contents • Introduction • Section One – Mission, Vision and Stakeholders • Section Two – Scenarios and Industry Analysis • Section Three – Resources and Capabilities • Section Four – Business and Corporate Strategies • Conclusions and recommendations • References

Maximum word count allowed is 3,000 words

Cover page

The candidates are required to provide a cover page to include the following:

• The assignment title • Name of the candidate • Candidate’s ID • Supervisor’s name • University, school, and department

Table of Contents

An outline of the whole project in list form, setting out the order of the sections, with page numbers. It is conventional to number the preliminary pages (abstract, table of contents) with lower case Roman numerals (i.e. (i), (ii), (iii) etc.) and the main text pages (starting with the first chapter) in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) as shown:

Contents Page List of Tables i List of Figures ii List of Abbreviations iii Acknowledgements iv

Chapter 1 (Title) 1 (First Section heading) (Second etc.) (Third)

This Practice with Workshop Manual aims to provide an overview of the key requirements of this time-constrained case study for June 2018 assessment.

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