Transportation technology Technology in food processing Genetic manipulation Type of technology

Transportation technology Technology in food processing Genetic manipulation Type of technology.

Think about a topic you might use as your focus for the essay. The topic is technology, but you will want to narrow it down to a specific type of technology. Here are some suggestions: Technology fields: Technology in education Technology in business Technology in the medical field Transportation technology Technology in food processing Genetic manipulation Type of technology: Drones Surveillance/cameras Social media Video games phones Medical technology Information technology Artificial Intelligence Once you pick a focus, describe your thoughts on whether this technology is good or bad for the people in our communities. What are some positive attributes and what are some negative attributes? Why is this so? Decide on your opinion (is it good or bad for us?) and discuss some ways you might be able to defend your position. You can always change your focus later if you don’t like what you have here.
A total word count of all your answers should be at least 200 words. You will use the topic you discussed in your submission of “Choosing a Topic for the Opinion Piece Essay” assignment from this week. Complete the following outline: Paragraph
1: Introduction with claim: Include a completed introduction that also includes your claim. Your claim should specifically state the opinion of the essay. Paragraph
2: Supporting point #1: Write a few sentences that explain the first supporting point of your claim. What kind of information can you put in this paragraph? Paragraph
3: Supporting point #2: Write a few sentences that explain the second supporting point of your claim. What kind of information can you put in this paragraph? Paragraph
4: Supporting point #3: Write a few sentences that explain the third supporting point of your claim. What kind of information can you put in this paragraph? Paragraph
5: Opposing viewpoint #1: What is one way that some people might argue against your claim? Paragraph
6: Opposing viewpoint #2: What is another way that some people might argue against your claim? Paragraph
7: Policy change: What is a creative idea to help solve this problem? Remember that this is only an outline. You can change some of the information you have here later on if you wish. Creating an outline will help you understand how you will go about conducting research later. Example outline: Paragraph #1: Introduction: Most of us can’t live without the technology we use every day. Forgetting a cell phone at home and having to spend a day without it leaves many people feeling helpless and unconnected. It is so embedded into our daily activities that removing it would be problematic and potentially stressful.
This is unfortunate because although technology can provide some benefits and short cuts that make our lives easier, it is harmful to our health in a variety of ways. Finding ways of limiting our exposure to certain types of technology in our lives should be something everyone considers in order to live a healthy life. Paragraph #2: Supporting Point #1: Technology has been known to interrupt our sleep. Most people own a cell phone, and many of these same people use it frequently throughout the day. (Find data to support how many times an average person checks their cell phone). This constant compulsion to check social media, email, other phone apps, and play games, takes a toll on our bodies. The light from the screens negatively influences our melatonin levels. (Find more data). When our melatonin levels drop, we cease feeling tired. *State the supporting point in the first sentence (in red). Paragraph #3: Supporting Point #2: Technology has also been found to cause eye problems.
Many people stare at computer screens for long periods of time throughout the day as they complete work for their jobs and/or for school. (Find data on the number of hours people use screens throughout the day.) These screens are harsh on the eyes and can cause variety of eye problems like dry eyes (because we blink less), cataracts, and retina damage. It has been found that more children require glasses as a result of technology use. Paragraph #4: Supporting Point #3: Technology also causes obesity in adults and children. (Find data on the increase in obesity rates in children and adults over the last 30 years.) It has been found that more screen time leads to weight gain and obesity in children and adults. This is the result of a lack of physical activity. Technology use can has also been seen to encourage poor eating habits, which could adversely affect weight. Some studies have shown that TV watching causes users to ingest more food calories than they should (provide data on this study).
Paragraph #5: Opposing Viewpoint #1: Some people feel that technology can be beneficial to health by alleviating conditions like PTSD in war veterans. A study was conducted on war veterans who played first person shooter games and found that they were more successful in their psychotherapy sessions that took place in conjunction with the video games. This ultimately helped them understand and manage their PTSD. While war veterans with PTSD benefit from gaming and should continue to do so under the prescription of a doctor, it can be argued that these benefits are limited to a narrow group of people and that the majority of the population should continue to exhibit caution when overusing technology. **Make sure you mention the opposing viewpoint at the beginning of your paragraph and then refute it (in green). Paragraph #6: Opposing Viewpoint #2: Many people argue that technology is more beneficial because it has been found help cure certain diseases like cancer.
It is definitely important for the reader to understand that the medical benefits to once incurable diseases like cancer are absolutely important to our society, it is even more important that he or she realizes that technology can also be pernicious and cause cancers. (Find out supporting data for this statement.) Paragraph #7: Policy Change: High school education plan where students are required to take a course on how to maintain a healthy life with technology in their lives. The following will be an example of the course: -a description of what the technology (cell phones, tablets, laptops, TVs, etc.) does to our minds and bodies -a discussion of what technology is and its warning signs -students will be asked to give up their cell phones for one week and to track their progress throughout the day for seven days -students will have to pass the course in order to graduate

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Transportation technology Technology in food processing Genetic manipulation Type of technology

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