What are some elements of securing online transactions? What are some elements of administering an e-commerce site? Detail the methods and options to authenticate online customers. Elaborate on payment options for online customers.

What are some elements of securing online transactions? What are some elements of administering an e-commerce site? Detail the methods and options to authenticate online customers. Elaborate on payment options for online customers..

Project 2

The steps needed to monitor, administrate, and secure the network in regards to online transactions and payments. Answer the following questions:

  • What are some elements of securing online transactions?
  • What are some elements of administering an e-commerce site?
  • Detail the methods and options to authenticate online customers.
  • Elaborate on payment options for online customers.


  • Create an APA document that is 6 pages in length.
  • You may use section headings and bullets to make the paper more readable.

Project 3

As the network administrator, you have been given the task of preparing a presentation for the

stakeholders of a new project that will involve the creation of a new e-commerce Web site.

Using the library, the Internet, and any other materials, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that

outlines the following items:

  • Slides 1–2:

How users will be tracked when they use the site for marketing and site design


  • Slides 3–4:

◦ The methods that will be used to defend against client-side attacks.

  • Slides 4–6:

The protocols and techniques that will be used to provide and secure online


Proper presentation design techniques must be used, as well as notes on each slide to expand on


Project 4

As a newly appointed network administrator, you have been requested to provide a presentation that will be shown to all employees to stress the importance of securing the organization’s data against external threats.

Using the library, the Internet, and any other materials, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the following items:

  • Slides 1–2:

◦ Identify and outline the function of digital certificates.

  • Slides 3–4:

◦ Explain the concepts of encrypting data and securing e-mail transmissions.

  • Slides 4–6:

Explain what is meant by social engineering and the methods that must be taken to secure against these types of attempted attacks.


 Discussion Weeks 7 and 8

Some organizations have gone as far as inserting radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips into their employees to control their access into secure areas and to monitor their movement and location.

Research and discuss w • here RFID tags have been used for security measures.

Discuss your feelings on how these devices are being used.

Be sure that you fully explain your viewpoint and justify your response.

As the popularity and use of RFID tags increase, the concern about these devices also continues to grow.

  • Research and discuss a company that currently uses RFID tags.
  • Explain how they are being used.

Discuss your feelings on the security concerns that have arisen from the use of these devices.

Create a main post. Make at least two replies. Use at least one APA reference

Discussion Weeks 9 and 10

As wireless devices continue to expand, the need to secure these connections must follow suit. Cell phones now have the capability to create “hot spots,” and many fast-food restaurants, hotels, and stores offer free wireless Internet connections.

Research and discuss a best practice list that an end user should take when connecting to a wireless access point.

As handheld devices continue to gain in popularity, the topic of wireless security continues to expand. It is now commonplace for companies to market a free Internet connection.

Research and discuss the security concerns that these free hot spots can create for the end user.


 Discussion Weeks 5 and 6

Denial-of-service attacks are a common method to bring down an organization’s Web server/site.

Research and discuss the methods that can be taken to defend against such server-side attacks.

Discuss the role that firewalls and router access lists can play in defending against such attacks.

The increase in spyware and viruses from popular social media sites have been on the rise over the past several years.

Research and discuss what can be done from the client side to secure one’s personal information when surfing the Web and transferring data online.

Discuss the role that hardware and software can play in securing your data and personal information.

Create a main post. Make at least two replies. Use at least one APA reference


What are some elements of securing online transactions? What are some elements of administering an e-commerce site? Detail the methods and options to authenticate online customers. Elaborate on payment options for online customers.

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