What are the primary products or services of the corporation?

What are the primary products or services of the corporation?.

General Information
1. What is the name of your corporation? Yelp, Inc.

2. Where are the corporate headquarters?
3. What is the corporation’s fiscal year end?
4. What are the primary products or services of the corporation?
5. Graph the high and low price of the company’s stock for each quarter of the last two years. What was the high and what was the low?
6. Who is the company’s transfer agent and where are they located?
7. Who are your company’s competitors?

Market Information:
8. On which stock exchange is your corporation’s stock traded?
9. What is the current market price of their stock?
10. What is the ticker symbol used to identify your corporation on the stock exchange?

Internet Information:
11. What is the Internet address of your corporation? Be sure it appears as a hyperlink.
12. Is the corporation’s Annual Report online?
13. Are its financial statements on-line?
14. Is your company listed on Annualreports.com?
15. How long is your company’s 10-K report at the Securities and Exchange Commission website (Edgar Database)?

Cash Flow and Retained Earnings:
16. List the amount of cash flows from each of the 3 activities: Operating, Investing, and Financing for the 2 most recent years. What was the increase or decrease in cash for each of these years?
17. Were there any Non-Cash Investing/Financing Transactions? Describe the type and amount.
18. What is the dollar difference between accrual net income and Cash provided by Operations?
19. What investing activity provided the largest inflow of cash in the current year?
20. What investing activity used the largest amount of cash in the current year?
21. What financing activity provided the largest inflow of cash in the current year?
22. What financing activity used the largest amount of cash in the current year?
23. Does the company have sufficient cash inflows from the appropriate category? Describe any problems the company many experience with cash flow from your analysis of the cash flow statement.
24. Show the change in Retained Earnings for the 2 most recent years. What was net income for each year? How much was paid out in dividends each year?
25. Were the dividends on common stock and/or preferred stock? What was the amount of each?
26. Did Retained Earnings change for any reasons other than net income or dividends? Explain.
27. What classes of stock does your company have?
28. How many shares of each class of stock are authorized, how many are issued, and how many are outstanding?
29. Does your company have any treasury stock? How many shares and what dollar amount?
30. What is the par or stated value of each of your company’s stocks?

Footnote Disclosures:
31. How many footnote disclosures does your company have?
32. How many significant accounting policies are listed under its Summary of Significant Accounting Policies?
33. What does it include as Cash and Cash Equivalents?
34. What method does it use to value Inventory?
35. What method(s) does it use to depreciate its assets?
36. Does it have any leased assets? If yes, describe them.
37. What policies does it have in regard to Foreign Currency Translations?
38. Describe any pending lawsuits in which it is involved.
39. Provide its Earnings per Share for the 2 most recent years?

What are the primary products or services of the corporation?

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