What impact do you think the charge nurses statements had on the student nurse?

What impact do you think the charge nurses statements had on the student nurse?.

After reading the story The Strange Voyage please respond to the following questions:

Explain why you believe the patient misunderstood the nurses intentions when he was moved from the ICU to other areas in the hospital

As a nurse leader (change agent) how could you have changed this experience for the patient?

What actions could you take to educate other nurses about the sense of disorientation?

The Death of Ivan Ilych

After reading the abridged story The Death of Ivan Ilych please respond to the following questions:

How would you describe Ivan Ilych?

What is the impact on despair on individuals who are ill?

As a nurse leader (change agent) what activities could you implement to help nurses cope with patients who are like Ivan?

The Difficult Patient

After reading the passage The Difficult Patient please respond to the following questions:

What impact do you think the charge nurses statements had on the student nurse? Please explain

As a change agent and leader what should the charge nurse have done differently?

Have you had a similar experience, where the information you received on report was different than what you observed? Please explain

What impact do you think the charge nurses statements had on the student nurse?

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