What infrastructure tools equipment or techniques are required to address the problem?.
KMS Design: Now in module 3 we are looking at how to systemise knowledge in an organisation to improve the creation, flow and use of intellectual capital.
Assignment 3 tasks:
To design an intervention to improve the situation described in the case study for Assessment 2 using KM principles, practices and tools and describe an approach to implementing the solution. This assignment builds on the analysis undertaken in assignment 2 and should describe the architectural model/approach used for the design and the reasons for that selection. Students in an appropriate work situation may alternatively examine the prospects for (or of) a KMS in their workplace with approval from the Lecturer. Case studies on organisations you do not have first-hand experience of or were not used in Assignment 2, will not be accepted.
(Design a knowledge management system to improve the management of human and/or social intellectual capital within an organisation for a case study to address the knowledge needs and issues. It may or may not include information technology to support the system.)
Questions you should seek to answer:
1. How would the knowledge flow through your designed solution?
2. Are there any existing knowledge assets or solutions that may be part of the system?
3. What are the candidate techniques that can be used?
4. What is the proposed KMS? – give it a name.
5. What functions or processes are required to enable the system?
6. Who would manage the KMS?
7. What infrastructure, tools, equipment or techniques are required to address the problem?
8. What are changes required to policy, procedures, attitudes, organisational structure or physical location to be made to improve the way the organisation operates?
9. How would the organisation know if the intervention produced benefits and what they were?
(nb. this list is not a contents page for your assignment!)
Assessment Criteria: We are looking for your ability to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the models and techniques of KMS and how they interrelate
2. Demonstrate an understanding the case study situation
3. Describe how the organisation will work in a different (better) way
4. Show how the Knowledge in the organisation could be systemised
5. Justify your analysis by what youve researched
6. Articulate your proposal in a cogent and presentable report.
Video: Knowledge Analysis Example: The AusVit System
What infrastructure tools equipment or techniques are required to address the problem?