What is essential to manage and treat the elevated bilirubin in addition to phototherapy?

What is essential to manage and treat the elevated bilirubin in addition to phototherapy?.

What is essential to manage and treat the elevated bilirubin in addition to phototherapy?

Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States (United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Health, etc.). Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade.

Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following:

  1. Describe the health care organization or network.
  2. Describe the organization’s overall readiness based on your findings.
  3. Prepare a strategic plan to address issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction.
  4. Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.
  5. Propose a theory or model that could be used to support implementation of the strategic plan for this organization. Explain why this theory or model is best.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Assignment 2

Baby Leah had a very traumatic vaginal birth. After a vacuum extraction for fetal heart rate tracing changes and a resultant shoulder dystocia, Leah has a mild Erb’s palsy, some facial and truncal bruising. Pediatrician has ordered physical therapy for the palsy and the doctor expects routine care to be provided to her. In addition, do not forget the education you must give to the new parents regarding this injury.  Due to the bruising there is an increase in bilirubin levels and some behavioral changes occur with Leah. Please describe what is different and what will you discuss with the family to ensure safety?  The bilirubin level requires phototherapy. What precautions must you take?  What is essential to manage and treat the elevated bilirubin in addition to phototherapy?

What is essential to manage and treat the elevated bilirubin in addition to phototherapy?

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