What kind of relationship exists between these two activities?

What kind of relationship exists between these two activities?.

Activity A has ES-5, EF-10 and Activity B has ES-7, and the duration is 4 days. What


kind of relationship exists between these two activities?


(a)     Finish to Start

(b)     Finish to Finish

(c)     Start to Finish

(d)      Start to Start

Question: 292

Your project is 90% completed, the cost performance index is 1.2 and the schedule performance index is 0.8. Management is concerned about the delay and asks you to utilize schedule compression so the project can be completed on time. Which of the following statements is true about the schedule performance index?


(a)      SPI will be 1 when the project completes

(b)     SPI will be less than 1 when the project completes

(c)      SPI will be greater than 1 when the project completes

(d)      None of the above


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What kind of relationship exists between these two activities?

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