What makes this stupid hateful thing so stupid and hateful? What are you valuing/devaluing?

What makes this stupid hateful thing so stupid and hateful? What are you valuing/devaluing?.

We are using Roger Cohens “This Article is Gluten-Free” as a model. You will write an evaluation argument stating your disapproval of something common, popular or new. It could be a trend, a way of speaking or acting, or a craze for a particular piece of media (like a TV show) — or even something that youre tired of everyone hating. Hating is a trend, too. The rhetorical situation is also just like Cohens situation: a popular periodical article for intelligent readers. It is not an academic piece.

You can take a range of tones, from cranky to mildly probing. You can use humor, if you pull it off . But this is a delicate rhetorical situation: If youre insulting or disapproving of something most readers like, how will you avoid alienating them? Think carefully about how you can get them to consider your point of view without angering them.

Youll have to review the current conversation about your topic, too, so you dont just sound like one of those people yelling about something without knowing anything about it. In order to be prepared for your readers to be skeptical and to challenge you, you should be able to explain your criteria: What makes this stupid, hateful thing so stupid and hateful? What are you valuing/devaluing? Can you tie your values to your audiences, or are you too different?

Audience: Intelligent (but not academic) audiences who like to read long articles

Form: Newspaper or magazine article in written English, at least 800 words

What makes this stupid hateful thing so stupid and hateful? What are you valuing/devaluing?

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