What role with health insurance exchanges play in assisting small employers to purchase health insurance?

What role with health insurance exchanges play in assisting small employers to purchase health insurance?.

Over the next few weeks, you will explore many of the critical components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Each week, a different provision will be introduced. Your assignments will include researching the provision and explaining the changes that will occur with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Week 5: Employer Requirements/Health Insurance Exchanges

1. (1)Explain the employer requirements included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and include the tax credits that employers will receive for providing healthcare coverage to their employees.
2. (2) What role with health insurance exchanges play in assisting small employers to purchase health insurance?
3. (3) How will the employer requirement to provide healthcare coverage affect your community or your state?
4. (4) If you could re-write the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, what modifications would you make to the employer requirements?

What role with health insurance exchanges play in assisting small employers to purchase health insurance?

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