What will have happened to the level of checkable deposits?

What will have happened to the level of checkable deposits?.

Show more Assume that the required reserve ratio on checkable deposits is 10% banks do not hold any excess reserves and the publics holdings of currency do not change. If the Fed reduces reserves by selling $5 million worth of bonds to the banks what will the T-account of the banking system look like when the banking system is in equilibrium? What will have happened to the level of checkable deposits? A. Checkable deposits fall by $50 million and the T-account is: Banking System Assets Liabilities Reserves minus$5 million Checkable deposits minus$50 million Securities plus+$5 million Loans minus$5 million B. Checkable deposits fall by $5 million and the T-account is: Banking System Assets Liabilities Reserves minus$5 million Checkable deposits minus$5 million Securities plus+$5 million Loans minus$5 million C. Checkable deposits fall by $50 million and the T-account is: Banking System Assets Liabilities Reserves minus$5 million Checkable deposits minus$50 million Securities plus+$5 million Loans minus$50 million D. Checkable deposits fall by $5 million and the T-account is: Banking System Assets Liabilities Reserves minus$5 million Checkable deposits minus$5 million Securities plus+$5 million Loans minus$50 million Show less

What will have happened to the level of checkable deposits?

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