Which European city was the center for arts during the Classic period?

Which European city was the center for arts during the Classic period?.

The classic period is often know as “The Enlightenment.” What was happening in American history around this time?
American Revolution
The Mayflower landed in the New World
Christopher Columbus “discovered” America.
The Civil War
Question 3 2.5 pts

The classic period is often know as “The Enlightenment.” What was happening in American history around this time?
American Revolution
The Mayflower landed in the New World
Christopher Columbus “discovered” America.
The Civil War
Question 3 2.5 pts
Which European city was the center for arts during the Classic period?
Question 4 2.5 pts
The public concert emerged for the first time in this period allowing the middle class access to art music. Many musical characteristics reflect this growing
acknowledgement of the middle class. Which of the choices below is NOT a typical characteristic of classic period music?
Simple and clear melody
Even phrases
predictable rhythms and forms
Question 5 2.5 pts
5. Which ensembles became standard during this period?
Question 6 2.5 pts
6. Which instrument gradually replaced the harpsichord?
Question 7 2.5 pts
7. Sonata form was one of the most common forms used in the Classic period. Briefly diagram the form below:
Question 8 2.5 pts
8. Describe “Theme and Variations” in your own words.
Question 9 2.5 pts
9. What is Rondo form?
Question 10 2.5 pts
10. Name three composers from the Classic period? Did you know these names before you read the chapter?

Question 4 2.5 pts
The public concert emerged for the first time in this period allowing the middle class access to art music. Many musical characteristics reflect this growing
acknowledgement of the middle class. Which of the choices below is NOT a typical characteristic of classic period music?
Simple and clear melody
Even phrases
predictable rhythms and forms
Question 5 2.5 pts
5. Which ensembles became standard during this period?
Question 6 2.5 pts
6. Which instrument gradually replaced the harpsichord?
Question 7 2.5 pts
7. Sonata form was one of the most common forms used in the Classic period. Briefly diagram the form below:
Question 8 2.5 pts
8. Describe “Theme and Variations” in your own words.
Question 9 2.5 pts
9. What is Rondo form?
Question 10 2.5 pts
10. Name three composers from the Classic period? Did you know these names before you read the chapter?

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Which European city was the center for arts during the Classic period?

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