Which of the above 5 areas do you consider to be the most important in strategically managing human resources in order to deliver organisational goals and why?

Which of the above 5 areas do you consider to be the most important in strategically managing human resources in order to deliver organisational goals and why?.

Topic Question



Your prescribed text Mello XXXXXXXXXXlists the following 5 areas of strategic human resource management:



training and development

performance management and feedback

compensation and benefits

labour relations

Which of the above 5 areas do you consider to be the most important in strategically managing human resources in order to deliver organisational goals and why?


Support your views with reference to peer reviewed, practice-based and subject sources.


i have selected training and development and have done few words.Please help me to complete this assignment and score good marks


Thank you.


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Which of the above 5 areas do you consider to be the most important in strategically managing human resources in order to deliver organisational goals and why?

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