Which of the following statements pertaining to single-acting reciprocating pump without air vessels is correct?

Which of the following statements pertaining to single-acting reciprocating pump without air vessels is correct?.

1.Consider the following statements: To maximise the NPSHA (Net Positive Suction Head Available) of a reciprocating pump,


(1) reduce suction-pipe friction loss

(2) increase ambience pressure at supply reservoir

(3) increase the pump speed

(4) increase static suction head

The correct statements are:

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 and 4 (c) 1,2 and 3 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

2. In a single-acting reciprocating pump, the acceleration head at the beginning of the suction stroke is 4.0 m. If the pump is 2.0 m below the water level in the supply reservoir the pressure head at the cylinder by considering the atmospheric pressure as 10 m is

(a) 4.0 m (abs) (b) 12. 0 m (abs)

(c) 8.0 m (abs) (d) 6.0 m (abs)

3. Which of the following statements pertaining to single-acting reciprocating pump without air vessels is correct?

(a) Reciprocating pumps are less efficient than the centrifugal pumps.

(b) Delivery from the reciprocating pump will be pulsating.

(c) Reciprocating pumps are suitable for large discharges under small heads.

(d) For negative slip to occur, a reciprocating pump must have a negative

suction head.

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Which of the following statements pertaining to single-acting reciprocating pump without air vessels is correct?

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