Which research method and tool would you select to collect data and why?

Which research method and tool would you select to collect data and why?.

Research Method to Collect Data all that needs Show more this is a fellow student to the following statement Research Method to Collect Data all that needs done is a reply back to the statement Assume you are a marketing manager at a top marketing firm that manufactures dish soap. Which research method and tool would you select to collect data and why?The research method I would use to collect data would depend on whether I was collecting data for a new product or for the re-launching of an existing product. Because the company has decided to launch a new line of dish soap I would want to have fresh data that comes directly from my targeted audience so I am going to use the primary research method. The primary research will be conducted by the companys in house resources and will be achieved using the most cost-effective method which would be interviews by telephone. Show less

Which research method and tool would you select to collect data and why?

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