Which schedules appeared to have the greatest impact on developing a new behavior?

Which schedules appeared to have the greatest impact on developing a new behavior?.

After completing the exercises, address the following. Please write in complete sentences. Questions should be addressed in 1–2 paragraphs each:
1. Which schedules appeared to have the greatest impact on developing a new behavior?
2. Which schedules seemed most effective in maintaining a learned behavior?
3. Which schedules were most resistant to extinction?
Virtual Laboratory: Schedules of Reinforcement
You will work with Sniffy the Virtual Rat again in this unit. This time, you will be applying different schedules of reinforcement. This will help you understand how responding and learning can occur depending on how frequently you apply the reinforcement. Complete Exercises 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37.
After completing the exercises, address the following. Please write in complete sentences. Questions should be addressed in 1–2 paragraphs each:
1. Which schedules appeared to have the greatest impact on developing a new behavior?
2. Which schedules seemed most effective in maintaining a learned behavior?
3. Which schedules were most resistant to extinction?

Which schedules appeared to have the greatest impact on developing a new behavior?

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