Wilmot & Hocker The Practice of Forgiveness and Reconciliation Think of a time when someone found it difficult to forgive

Wilmot & Hocker The Practice of Forgiveness and Reconciliation Think of a time when someone found it difficult to forgive.

Wilmot & Hocker: The Practice of Forgiveness and Reconciliation Think of a time when someone found it difficult to forgive you for something you said or did,

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(or similarly, a time when others were willing to forgive you, but you still had a hard time forgiving yourself). Answer the following questions:1. If you received forgiveness from the other person, was it difficult or easy to do? If you did not receive forgiveness from the other person (or it took awhile to get it) were you still able to forgive yourself? 2. How did the picture you have in your mind regarding your self-image conflict with the one who committed the offense? How did you go about reconciling the image in your mind with the image of a person who had caused someone harm? Were you easy or hard on yourself? If you were hard on yourself, did this get better with time?3. Did you attempt to give an apology to the other person? How was it received? Did the other person find your apology sincere? Did you try to do or say anything else to receive the other person’s forgiveness?4. Was reconciliation (the process of repairing a relationship after a violation or transgression has occurred) ever achieved? If so, what has improved or changed in the relationship? Wilmot & Hocker: The Practice of Forgiveness and Reconciliation Think of a time
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Wilmot & Hocker The Practice of Forgiveness and Reconciliation Think of a time when someone found it difficult to forgive

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