Would you recommend that the Governor of California sign or not sign the bill into law?

Would you recommend that the Governor of California sign or not sign the bill into law?.

Begin your paper by analyzing the situation and describing the new law. Review the current status in California and discuss whether a similar situation exists with regards to a lack of women on boards in your home country. (See the paper attached for some guidance). Then present your opinion on two items: (a) Would you recommend that the Governor of California sign or not sign the bill into law? and (b) Would you support a similar law to be adopted in your home country? Why or why not?”

Use charts, graphs, and tables to enhance the quality of your plan. Be sure to title each and reference each document as to source and date according to APA format. The essentials of the integrative research paper will be provided to students in readings, presentations and lecture notes. This deliverable will require the application and synthesis of all course matter.

Would you recommend that the Governor of California sign or not sign the bill into law?

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